
ASIA: Infrastructure quality. (of 137 countries)

Military power in Asia, 2018.

Obesity rate among adults, 2017.

Global web browser market

Playbook for successful corporate transformation:

If you cannot outspend your competitors, then:

EUROPE: Higher education ranking. (of 137 countries globally)

Have confidence in Vladimir Putin to do the right thing in world affairs.

Children born per woman.

The bosses we remember

Military spending change between 2007 and 2016.

Slowest growing economies, 2018.

Availability of scientists and engineers. (of 137 countries)

Support Syria strikes VS Oppose Syria strikes

15 habits of lucky people

China agreed to stop hacking the US for trade secrets.

How to better noticed at work

Here is why Smart people stay teachable.

Here is how you can recognize a good mentor

Powerful football clubs in terms of billions

Nuclear warheads, 2018

Military strength, 2017

People killed in 2015 by:

Students per qualified teacher in primary school

Manufacturing value added as share of GDP

Seven dangers to human virtue

Continuous years in power as head of state or government

Share of males who survive to the age of 65.

Best student cities, 2017